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Sunday 31 July 2016

July Steam Calendar....

.... Ex LMS Crab 13065 at Irwell Vale.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Proud to be British....

Chris Frome wins the Tour de France 2016.

Dicing with death? ....

.... Chicken livers! Last time I had under cooked chicken was a disaster! I'll let you know the outcome in a couple of weeks! Bloody lovely, a taste sensation!

Saturday 23 July 2016

A day on the rails ....

.... For a fiver! Thanks to a Friends & Family Voucher.

Chasing steam ....

.... At Didcot Railway Centre.

Thursday 21 July 2016

These Union Jacks ....

.... Are still going strong, after trekking around Australia in 2012! -

These Union Jacks ....

.... Are still going strong, after trekking around Australia in 2012! -

Reading my Metro....

.... While waiting for a steam train - Wymondham Abbey.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Pulled Beef....

.... 99p from Farmfoods. Absolutely lovely with local spuds and Chantenay Carrots, lovely!

Ode to our Little Shed ....

We love you little metal shed.
You quench our modest needs.
We both are very modest folk and very easy to please.
Sitting in your tiny space, on our plastic seats.
Surrounded by lots of junk, with nowhere for our feet.
Your beer, wine, music and words, keeps up entertained.
With summer sun and summer storms, we shelter from the rain.
We love you little metal shed, and tho our time is brief.
You quench our modest needs.
For we are very modest folk, and very easy to please.
Fosbro 2016

Saturday 9 July 2016

Have Rail Ranger, will travel....

.... Lowestoft, East Suffolk Line to Ipswich. Onto Cambridge to The Regal for a few Green King IPA. Walk to The Backs for a great view of Kings Chapel. Into The Fitzwilliam Museum. Then Great Yarmouth via Norwich.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Locally sourced....

.... Potatoes, chicken, tomatoes & strawbs. Lovely meal in my garden.

A French afternoon in Blighty....

.... French white wine, French Camembert cheese, a Tesco Baton & The Tour de France 2016 on the telly!